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A company in Beijing announced on Monday that it had successfully bred(繁衍 fán zhí) China s first cloned cat(细胞克隆猫 kè lóng māo ), reports China Science and Technology Daily.
A photo of China s first cloned cat, a kitten named Garlic, shared on Sina Weibo by Scientific Exploration. [Screenshot: China Plus]
The kitten named Garlic(蒜头 dà suàn) was born on July 21 in a laboratory(一次实验室shí yàn shì ) of the biotechnology company Sinogene. It was born from an embryo carried by a surrogate mother, said Wang Jidong, the CEO of Sinogene. Garlic has been verified as a cloned cat by a third-party verification organization, and is currently in a good condition.
The birth(降生chū shēng) of the kitten is the result of a cloning program that began last August. Chen Dayuan, a researcher from the Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the technology(核心技术jì shù) developed by the company has a high success rate: one cloned kitten from four implanted surrogates.
It s rare(少见的 hǎn jiàn de) for cats to be successfully cloned, said Shi Zhensheng, a professor from the Veterinary Medicine College at China Agricultural University. Cats have unique reproductive characteristics, which make them difficult to clone. The success(成功了chéng gōng) of Sinogene marks a step forward in China s cloning research sector.
The cloning technology used to create Garlic will help China to build a genetic library of endangered species(频危生物物种 bīn wēi wù zhǒng ), with the goal of breeding species under threat of extinction.
Chinese words borrowed from English
For example:
细胞克隆【kè lóng】clone
大众高尔夫【gāo ěr fū】golf
装甲车【jí pǔ chē 】jeep
巧克力【qiǎo kè lì】chocolate
现代舞【bā lěi】ballet
咖啡【kā fēi】coffee
逻辑思路【luó jí】logic
模特【mó tè】 model
德州扑克【pū kè】 poker
华夫饼【sān míng zhì】 sandwich
夜总会【jiǔ bā】bar